DIABETES FOUNDATION (INDIA) or DFI was founded by Late Dr M M S Ahuja, Ex Prof and Head, Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes. DFI is dedicated to create awareness of obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, heart diseases and metabolic syndrome among people and change their attitudes and behavior to incorporate correct lifestyle practices. Read More: diabetesfoundationindia.in
Diabetes Foundation (India)
Fortis CDOC Center of Excellence for Diabetes, Metabolic Diseases and Endocrinology
Fortis C-DOC, Centre of Excellence for Diabetes, Metabolic Diseases and Endocrinology, a unique hospital for diabetes and allied disorders at New Delhi, India Spearheaded by the distinguished physician, diabetologist and scientist Dr (Prof). Anoop Misra since 2011, Fortis C-DOC is dedicated to delivering world-class care and management of diabetes, related metabolic diseases and endocrine disorders. Read More: fortiscdoc.com
BMJ started out over 170 years ago as a medical journal, publishing articles on stillborn children, amputation at the shoulder and the climate of the Isle of Wight. Now, as a values-driven company and global brand, we work with the vision of doing what we can to contribute to creating a ‘healthier world’. We do this by helping medical organisations and clinicians tackle today’s most critical healthcare challenges. We publish the newest academic research for healthcare professionals. Read More: bmj.com