Mission Statement

To prevent and manage Diabetes, Obesity and allied disorders in Asian Indians by way of state-of-the-art research, service, education and public health intervention.

N-DOC is committed to fight against diabetes, obesity and cholesterol related disorders and raising awareness of these diseases.

Aims and Objectives

To conduct state-of-the art research in field of obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and metabolic disorders.

To train doctors, paramedical workers, nutritionists, physiotherapist in the field diabetes, obesity and cholesterol.

To act as tertiary care, referral and academic foundation for diabetes, metabolic disorders, obesity and lipid disorders.

To propagate awareness among the people for prevention of diabetes, obesity and cholesterol in school, colleges and other educational institutions.

To help government, research institutions and other concerned institutions in supporting education, research and training program, and for national programs and guidelines.

To manage and treat with appropriate and evidence based knowledge, obesity, diabetes and metabolic disorders and complications, with particular help to under-privileged people.

To contribute or donate or render any assistance to institutions such as hospitals, maternity houses, sanatoriums, boarding houses and charitable dispensaries for diabetes, obesity and cholesterol problems.

To do research and educational programs regarding nutrition (over nutrition and under nutrition) in general population with particular focus on under privileged communities.

To link up with foreign institutions and scientists for exchange of ideas and human resources for education and collaborative research.